Tuesday, December 31, 2013

selamat tahun baru 2014...

tahun baru?? azam baru ?? hahahhaa lame sangat.. 

setiap tahun nak ade azam baru tapi x penah capai pown.. hahhahaha

pepagi bute ni aku dah sarcastic, bukan ape cume bilr aku scroll facebook scroll twittet scroll instag penuh ngan doa lah azam baru lah pleasr be nice lah or what so ever.. 

aku akui mmg aku menyampah, sebab aku kenal org yg post bende penuh islamic tu sebenenye org nye cam ne.. kenape kalo kite dah mmg jahat and tak taat pada DIA kite nak fake kan sumr bende tu dlm post kite, kenapr mesti nak tipu org, kenapr mesti nak tunjuk baik?? untuk ape?? untuk apr kitr baik and kengkonon suci tapi srbenrnye tidak.. 

cukup lah kalo tahun2 sudah kite berpura2 tapi x payah lah dlm azam baru pown nak terus berpura2.. korang x penat ke menipu?? membohong?? idop dlm kepura-puraan??

kenapr kite nak tunjuk perfect kat manusia?? dunia ni sementare je, tak payah nak tunjuk perfect kat org tpi sebenarnyr kite x perfect. nak tunjuk kite ni know it all tapi srbenarnye tak pown.. nak tunjuk kite ni baik tapi kite kutuk org like 24/7.. c'mon lah get a life.. tak payah mengaku matang tapi srbenarnye fikiran lebih kurang ngan budak tak baligh lagi..

haih ntah lah.. aku pown kompius.. aku pown tak perfect, ye aku sedar.. tapi setidak2nye baik aku berdiam diri dari aku memperbodohkan diri aku sendiri.. aku pown de perasaan ape.. ingt aku senyap tak melawan aku bodo?? xde perasaan?? aku cume malas nak bertekak dengan bende yg tak penting.. 

usia makin meningkat lah.. tak kan selamenye nak berfikir cam budak kecik.. cer matang skit.. 

haih dah lah malas pikit, penat..hahhaha

ok gtg, aku keje sebenarnye dia pagi tahun baru.. gaggaga



Friday, November 15, 2013

tidak paham..

okeh ade berlaku keconfusean disini..

ni bukan nak kutuk mane2 pihak tapi just luahan hati yg confuse

aku selalu tgk org post pasal ketuhanan lah dosa lah pahala lah and everything pasal agama.. bukan lah nak kata aku jijik or aku hina bebenda tu.. walopun aku ni bukan lh kategori muslimah sejati tapi x de lah aku nak benci ngan bebende keislaman ni.. gilo ka?? aku suke bace bile org post pasal keagamaan.. at least aku bole belajar dari ape yg dorang post... 

tapi sedar atau tidak orang yang dok post pasal ketuhanan or dosa pahale ni sebenarnye buat dosa kering like every second... 

pertama.. bile korang post cam tu akan ade pandangan orang yg mengatakan korang riak.. satu

kedua bile korang post cam tu orang akan beranggapan korang post sesuatu yang terkesan dihati dan sanubari korang.. so orang akan jadikan korang contoh... tapi ape yang korang post bertentangan ngan ape yang korang buat sehari harian.. dua..

oke lah aku kasi contoh senang sikit.. 

korang post tentang dosa pahala pasal pasangan bercinta konon nye..dosa bersama sebelum kawen contoh nye.. tapi korang hari2 dok bertepuk tampar dikhalayak.. berpegang2... n ntah pape lagi yg aku x nampak.. pastu nak post tentang dosa.. for what???

sorry lah kalo nampak cam aku ni suke buat dosa2 kering tu.. tapi sebenarnye aku meluat sebab pada perspektif aku ape yang kite kongsikan atau post adelah sesuatu yang terkesan pada hati kita dan kita nak galakkan orang pown rase macam tu.. 

tapi ape motif post tapi korang anggap bende tu sebagai post n korang stil buat bende yg korang panggil dosa tu every second???? 

answer me???? aku x nampak motif disitu.. 

terima kasih

Monday, November 4, 2013

awal muharam...

cuti awal muharam...

jalan lenggang...sume org cuti tapi aku keje.. sob sob..

tapi bagus gak.. leh distract diri ni dri perkare2 yg x patut.. 😃😃😃😃😃

       *peneman di hari cuti... hegehege

Saturday, November 2, 2013

belated birthday mommy to be...

we know each other for more than 8years.. since diploma.. kiteorg gaduh pastu baik pastu gado siap masam muke siap x bertegur but the bond still strong.... 

dorang x penah mintak aku buat ape yg aku x suke n aku x penah soh dorang buat ape yg dorang x suke.. we just accept each other...

tak pernah bertekak atas bende kecik.. selalunye akan bincang and carik jalan penyelesaian.. kiteorg x penah nak boom sesame sendiri sampai terase hati.. tak de.. 

but we still kutuk each other, tpi end up kiteorg still cite ape yg kite kutuk tu supaye xde rahsia... hhahahhaa

thats how we trust each other..

tak perlu nak kasitau satu dunia we are bff like everyday...

x payah nak hangout hari2 and bitch talk...

tak payah nak plan vacation like every year..

but we still there for each other eventho we are far apart...

Thursday, October 31, 2013


xde tajuk tok ape yang aku cube share ari ni...aku x jumpe tajuk yang sesuai untuk tu..

tapi aku just nak share what ive been through this past few days..

its suck but its okay..i deserved it...

kadang kala pada kita bile kita rase berdiam diri tu baik tapi tidak untuk orang lain dan akhirnye kite akan kehilangan orang yang agak penting dalam idop kite..tu mistake yang aku buat bile aku rase aku ilang bestfriend aku... even tho its not okay, but i deserved that coz that was the price that i should pay for my mistake..it make me learnt..Thanks GOD for the lesson...

People made mistake so do I.. aku x kisah lah orang nak judge aku cam ne, tapi aku de prinsip yang aku pegang..aku lebih suke berdiam diri dan tak sokong mane2 pihak dari aku berpura-pura..

ye aku jage bontot aku je, cakaplah ape yang korang nak cakap aku  x kisah...tapi kalo korang di tempat aku pe yang agaknye korang buat??? mesti bende yang same...aku pikirkan perasaan sume orang..kenape aku nak menyibuk ngan masalah orang lain, kenape aku nak jadi orang tengah bile orang bergado, kenape??? kenape aku yang perlu jage perasaan semua orang??? perasaan aku??? ade sesiape kisah ke???

cam ne aku di tinggal kan sorang2, bile korang g nite walk, aku x tau pape..esok nye baru aku tau korang g mane..n korang sebagai kawan aku tak ajak aku pown, walopun ajak2 ayam ke itik ke x kisah lah..kalo korang rase aku kawan korang, korang dah tanye..bile aku sorang dlm bilik, korang xde effort pown nak datang bilik aku teman aku, xde!!! sebaliknye korang soh aku lepak bilik korang..xpe aku ikutkan, nak jage hati punye pasal..hati aku?? penah korang kisah ke???

korang leh nak cakap aku pengecut nak cakap aku jage bontot sendiri, cakap lah aku dah x kisah..setiap kali aku yang perlu jage bahase aku, perlu jage perasaan korang..tapi korang...?? ade???

aku x suke bile korang kuarkan perkataan x elok nak mengutuk orag depan2, jatuh kan air muke orang, mengamok cam org gile tanpe rase malu..aku x suke sume tu..
tapi korang still buat, korang x pikir pown ape aku rase..aku memang sedar dari dulu lagi korang mmg malu sebenarnye kawan ngan aku, fine aku x kisah..tak berbekas pown dihati aku..sikit pown tak..aku dah bersyukur sangt dah korang nak kawan ngan aku..

tapi bie korang tuduh aku cam ni tanpe pikir perasaan aku sume, aku sentap sangat..cam ni ke yang korang kate bestfriend??? aku je yang perlu jaga hati dan perasaan korang...

bile korang sorang2 aku kene datang comfort kan korang, tapi bile aku??? ade korang datang?? ade korang make effort nak tau masalah aku, nak tanye kenape aku diam, nak tanye kenape aku cam tu??ade ke??? aku sentap ngan korang selame ni korang x penah kisah..aku x penah kisah korang panggil aku bodo ke ape, aku x de hal..sebab aku anggap korang gurau. tapi ni yang aku dapat..kene marah, kene blame cam ni..x pe aku sedar and aku redha...

kenape bile aku sume nampak salah, kalo org lain sume x de pape..ermmm ntah lah aku dah malas..biar lah nak cakap ape ke, suke hati lah... aku penat nak jage hati orang, aku x dapat ape..aku kecewe ngan sume ni..

seriously aku kecewe.....

Sunday, October 27, 2013

beijing tour...




sume orang mesti pikir best gilr kan.. yelah skang kan tengah musim autumn.. sejuk pulak tu.. BUT.. not for me...

travel to beijing dengan tour guide adelah bende paling bangang prnah aku buat....

plus orang beijing ntah pape.. 

okeh.. let me describe satu per satu....

first skali TOILET..

astagfirullah hal azim...dah lah x de pintu, air tu x yah cite lah dah confirm x de.. dengan hancing perin pas tu taik merate.. 

ya Allah.. nanges weh...

okeh yang ke 2... RESTAURANT...

astagfirullah hal azim sekali lagi... dah lah sempit kat tmpt makan nye pastu dapur dia dah macam toilet.. dapur dekat ngan pintu masuk ye kawan-kawan.. jadi boleh lah nampak ke'indah'an dapur dia... tak bole blah siot.. meloyakan...

okeh next MANNER...

aku paling pantang orang kuang hajar..biase lah customer service exec kan penuh ngan sopan santun uolls.. hahhahaa...jadi bile orang kuang ajar ni memang mintak kaki lah citenye.. xdelah..korang tu penjual..bersopan lah sikit.. xkisah lah orang beli ke tak beli ke tapi ko jangan lah nak maki2 nak tinggi suare bagai.. agak agak lah...tapi serius lah.. memang susah nak explain.. kurang di ajar amat sangat... 

stress okeh.. 

okeh bye.. esok sambung lagi.. de 4 hari lagi kat sini...

waaaaaaaaaa.. nak makkkkk

Monday, October 14, 2013


its free.... bile sume x de tenang otak tenang mate.. xpayah nak mengadap yang x penting.. xpayah nak mengadap yg xde pendirian.. xpayah nak mengadap yg lidah bercabang.. hahahahhahaa... 

sonok... i just love living in my own space... 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

i am learning.. and learning

bile org post pasal ketuhanan atau agama kite selalu ade prasangka buruk.. kita selalu akan kata yg org tu sebenarnye nak menunjuk atau nak berlagak.. 

tapi pernah tak kite ambil sedikit masa untuk baca apa yg org kita panggil berlagak tu tulis dah muhasabah diri kita.. 

berfikir lah secara positif.. orang yang post tu pun sebenarnye tak sehebat mana untuk post kata2 yang mampu menbuat kita sedar dan insaf.. mereka juga mungkin copy dari orang lain dan sebarkan, supaya bukan mereka sahaja yang baca  dan insaf tetapi orang lain juga yang merupakan saudara seislam mereka.. 


Awesome Conversation between Allah and a Man. Read it and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Man: Allah, can I ask You a question?

Allah: Sure

Man: Why did You let so much stuff happen to me today?

Allah: What do u mean?

Man: Well, I woke up late

Allah: Yes

Man: My car took forever to start

Allah: Okay

Man: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait

Allah: Huummm

Man: On the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call

Allah: All right

Man: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn’t work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did You do that?

Allah: Let me see, the death angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one of My Angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that

Man (humbled): OH

Allah: I didn’t let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.

Man: (ashamed)

Allah: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn’t want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn’t afford to miss work.

Man (embarrassed): Okay

Allah: Your phone went dead bcuz the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn’t even let you talk to them so you would be covered.

Man (softly): I see Allah

Allah: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn’t think you wanted to be in the dark.

Man: I’m Sorry Allah

Allah: Don’t be sorry, just learn to Trust Me…. in All things , the Good & the bad.

Man: I will trust You.

Allah: And don’t doubt that My plan for your day is Always Better than your plan.

Man: I won’t Allah. And let me just tell you Allah, Thank You for Everything today.

Allah: You’re welcome.It was just another day being your Allah and I Love looking after u all 

Why Do we feel sleepy in Prayer, 
But stay awake through a 3 hour movie?
Why are we so bored when we look at the HOLY BOOK,

But find it easy to read other books?
Why is it so easy to ignore a msg about Allah,

Yet we forward the nasty ones?
Why are Prayers getting smaller,

But bars and clubs are expanding?

Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity,
But very difficult to engage with Allah?

Think about it, are you going to forward this?

Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you will get laughed at?

Forward this to all your friends.

80% of you won't forward this.
Allah said:
If you deny me in front of your
friends, I will deny you on the day of judgment: 
When one door closes , Allah opens two

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

mati... by faizal tahir..

Masih mampukah kau memandang ke hadapan
Bila yang tinggal hanya pudar
Siang bagaikan malam yang tiada penghujung
Mengharapkan cahaya baru

Matikan dia
Matikan semua rasa hampa
Matikan diri dari semua lara
Biarkan mati
Biar mati semua virus yang membawa duka
Matilah virusnya

Masih mahukah kau membiarkan semua
Jatuh pada takdir semata
Waktu yang berlalu tak berhenti menunggu
Hari esok biar harimu

Matikan dia
Matikan semua rasa hampa
Matikan diri dari semua lara
Biarkan mati
Biar mati semua virus yang membawa duka
Matilah virusnya

Hapus semua virus dijiwa
Tiap cahaya menyelaputi semua yang indah
Didepan hanya untukmu
Bersamaku di sini menunggu

Teruskanlah perjalanan yang masih jauh
Matilah mati virusnya


entri ni bukan nak mengate atau nak mengutuk.. tapi ini kenyataan yg terjadi ketika ini, di zaman ini dan diwaktu ini...

kenape sekarang sukar utk org menjaga hati sesama insan??? kita sendiri punya hati, tapi kenapa hati org lain perlu kita tak ehdahkan.. kenape hati kita aja yg perlu kita jaga???

semakin ramai orang yg lupa.. bagaimana hati kite berdegup kencang, begitu juga hati orang lain.. bagai mana hati kita menidakkan kan sesuatu.. begitu juga orang lain.. jadi kenape perlu hati kita sahaja yg dijaga tapi tidak hati orang... 

hati adalah untuk dimiliki.. bukan untuk disakiti, di adili atau dilukai.. hati tu sendiri lembut, kandunganya adalah darah.. sekali tergores.. darah yg banyak mampu keluar, kerana dia disakiti..

jadi fikirkan lah.. hati kita memang milik kita yg perlu kita jaga, tapi hati orang x semestinya perlu kita pijak..

tetima kasih..

Friday, September 27, 2013

ggrrrrr.. delicious.. hahahaha


nothing special hari ni... jz nak share 1 gambar.. coz lately aku rase aku tertarik tgk lelaki yg buat style rambut cam ni.. dorang nampak delicious.. hahahha tu bodo.. xde lah dorang nmpk matang n stylo.. walopun hairstyle tu sgt classic.. hahahaha

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

maybe yes maybe not.. hikhikhik

ok mase untuk luahan hati lagi.. everything yg ade kat sini ade lah apebile aku x berani nak cite kat sesape walopun besfrind.. coz kat sini xde org bace kan?? hehehhe i wish xde org bace.. aminnn

ok berbalik kepade cite luahan hati.. last few week ni aku de crush kat someone.. and to be specific he was actually someone elses husband.. he WAS!!! noe, NOT anymore.. tapi to be frank, aku pown x tau hr married n already divorce.. i just like him (im not in love with him, i just like him.. like ONLY)
and nk dia jadikan cite aku jadikan dia ni cam insiration aku nak g office lah.. sbb cam lemau sangat amat nak g office lately.. hahahaha .. ye aku akui aku pemalas...

okeh, aku x penah tegor mamat ni n xpenah cakap kr senyum ke ape ke lah.. we just like strangers.. mmg strangers lah cite nye... nothing.. zero.. xde pape..

unfortunately aku de geng2 yg aku cite pasal ni(i mean pasal aku admire mamat tu) mule gosip2 kan aku ngan mamat tu... deym!!! aku x nak mamat tu tau kowt... i just admire him je, no heart feeling.. c'mon lah... its just admiring.. ni big deal pown...

n one day.... jeng je jeng... hahahahha.. aku ni kepoh kat opis, so this one fine day.. aku dapat rasekan yg mamat tu sik pandang2 n senyum kat aku... is it real??? cannot be... mungkin aku perasan... hahhahahah.. okeh fine aku x kisah kalo aku perasan pown.. ape ade hal.. thats your own feeling pown.. so aku jz buat cam biase je.. wat x reti... thrn aku perasan dia pandang lagi... okeh ini bukan aku perasan ni bebetol... b4 dia balik pown dia senyum.. maygad.. seriusly????

hahahahahaha... encik, saye ni admire je ngan awak.. cubelah jgn buat sye jatuh cinte plak ngan awak.. hadoi... hati saye ni lembut...payah t kalo dah tersuke... ahhahahah.. okeh itu bodo.. nampak gile bodo nye...

okeh tu je sbnrnye nak cite.. xpenting pown sebenarnye.. cume x tau nak ckp ngan sape.. so blog lah jadi tempat luahan hati.... hahahahaha okeh lah t de cite x best lagi.. i kongsi lagi ngan u okeh blog??..

neway just to kasitau.. ari ni my annual leave START!!!!! i got 10 days AL.. and im going to sleeeeeep all day long.. without eat, without bath without anything... just wat to be lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

tata... happy holiday to me!!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


felt little annoyed lately. i just think people just think about themselves without take any apportunity to think about others.. aite??

youre not thr only person on earth that have problem.. others also faced the same thing.. but how thry handle the consequences is different from yours..

arghhh... i just wanna stop think about other coz people dun give a damn about me, my feeling and everything about me... why i should linger around others problem.. arghhh

Thursday, July 25, 2013

let me live that fantasy...

I know your insides are feeling so hollow
And it’s a hard pill for you to swallow
 but if I fall for you
I'll never recover
If I fall for you
I'll never be the same

I really wanna love somebody
I really wanna dance the night away
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way

I really wanna touch somebody
I think about you every single day
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way

You’re such a hard act for me to follow
Love me today, don't leave me tomorrow

Yeah but if I fall for you
I'll never recover
If I fall for you
I'll never be the same

I really wanna love somebody
I really wanna dance the night away
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way

I really wanna touch somebody
I think about you every single day
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way

Whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh
Whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh

I don't know where to start
I'm just a little lost
I want to feel like we're never gonna ever stop
I don't know what to do, I'm right in front of you
Asking you to stay, you should stay, stay with me tonight yeahhh

I really wanna love somebody
I really wanna dance the night away
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way

I really wanna touch somebody
I think about you every single day
I know we're only half way there, but you take me all the way
You take me all the way
Whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh
Whoa whoa
Take me all the way
(whoa oh oh oh)
Ya, take me all the way (yeah)
Send "Love Somebody" Ringtone to your cell

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

LIFE that i call NOW!!


everybody actually facing the same thing when it come to talk about life aite???
same goes to me..

but lately im facing such a different lifestyle..hehehhe...dont get me wrong, there was nothing to do with LOVE okay..just different..hahaha..WHY i called it different, because i listen to other story n living my own differennt lifestyle as well..

But sometimes i just dont understand people, why they just cant differenciate between what they WANT n what is actually their NEED...

I think if they able to differentiate  that, everything will be just find aite??? ermmm or its just for me??? gagaggaa...i think so....

Maybe people jsut cat differenciate that because they NEVER faced any difficulties in life yet..maybe...

Friend of mine always said .. " Allah tengah menguji, bila2 masa sahaja DIA boleh tarik balik"... 
Actually that was right, Allah gave us everything actually to challenges us, to appreciate what we already have and what we will get, to make us thank for that not to make us fall for it n forget HIM..

Things are to be used n human are to be love...not thing to be love n people to be used...ITS wrong!!!! definitely wrong!!!!

if i were to tell other what ive been through so far, nobody will ever believe me..whey they saw my achievement, they never thought ive been through alot actually..
How my family dont have money to pay for my SPM fees, how i used my PTPTN loan and gave to my family to support their life..hahaha...
when i think about that today, i just smile..gaggaga..life is hard but as long as u have faith for your life anything can be done..u just can archieve anything...

we actually not live for ourselves only but also for others.. meaning that family...huhuhu.. just live your life and give all da best for what uve done or u gonna do.. brfore u regret everything.. 

ermmmmm ithink just tgis for now... actually i dont have any idea to cont this post but i just write anything that come to my mind... hahahahhahahahah

gud nite... ciou..


hey peeps...

errmmm lately aku rase cam something...
de 1 perasaan yg pelik,(xde kene ngene ngan love, okeh)
aku de perasaan yg sape sebenarnye aku, n ape yg aku dah tinggalkan n ape yg sepatutnye aku buat kat dunia ni..

terus terang aku ckp aku mmg 'free thinker'.. tapi free thinker dari segi ape???
soal agame atau soal perbuatan n kelakuan..??

kalo nk cite pasal perangai n kelakuan, aku dah mmg totally x cam dulu..aku mmg nk sangat 2 berubah..
alhamdulillah aku de kengkawan n family yg sentiase tarik aku kejalan yg sepatutnye bile aku terbabas je skang ni..bukan nak cakap baik, tapi bile di pikirkan dunia zaman skang ni aku jadi takut untuk buat jahat...bukan lah nak kate aku ni baik gile tapi aku rase aku dah puas buat jahat..cecukup lah tu..sampai bile pown kan?? kalo nk dikire seronok, buat jahat mmg seronok tapi kalo nk pikir puas, sampai bebile pown x kan puas buat jahat..bek stop skang atau selamenye x kan stop n life aku akan stuck kan dosa yg berbakul2..

ermmmm...cite pepanjang kat sini pown wat org menyampah je kan?? aku tau lately ngan ape yg aku post kat sini, mmg de yg menyampah..so what?? ade aku kisah?? x de kan?? nk menyampah ke, nk maki aku ke, suke hati.. aku x amik port walo sebesar zarah pown..

memasing ade mulut leh cakap..aku mmg sangt x kisah..mulut org bukan macam mulut tempayan bole tutup..=) ade mate tgk je, sbb aku x de pape kan sini yg nk dipamerkan untuk korang cuci mate..*sorry*.. ade otak korang fikir..kalo pe yg aku cakap ni salah, aku mintak maaf, sbb aku cume kate ape yg aku rase logic pade akal aku n mungkin x logic pade akal korang..thats y aku kate aku 'free thinker' n kalo korang rase ape yg aku cakap ni betol, thank you sooooo much..=) really appreciate it..=)

k lah malam sudah gelap..mau tido..esok nk pi nengok org men go-kart..gagga.. selamat malam, assalammualaikum..=)