Wednesday, May 27, 2009

aku sayang kamu, kau,awak,mereka dan DIA..

mesti time korang bace bende tu, korang dah pkir ke lain kan??

x lah sebenarnye aku juz nak share betape happy nye aku minggu ni...
pade yang tau sejarah aku di UITM, hahaha n finally aku grad jugak..
i just want to thank everyone that are with me all along the road..
alhamdullilah to ALLAh, coz give me this chances n opportunities to achive what actually i want in this life..

eventhough it just a diploma, but im happy with that coz i still have a diploma..huhuhu..
also special thanks to my mom n my dad that always give me so much support to continue my study n also to faced anything n everything in future..
thank you so much.. i luv you guys sosoooooooo much..there is nothing can replace both of u in my heart.!!

then also thanks for my family, my muhammad adik n my adik mia, my both aunt, my uncle, my cousin n all lah..penat nak taip pepanjang..

n not to forget my cutie kucing2, which is always nyemak n nyibok if im at home..hahaha

to my kengkawan jgn sedey plak, actually because of u guyz i can make it this far..

thanks for being my classmate, my partner n everything lah..
without u guyz aku kene wat assignment sorang2..
n of course for the "great collaboration" thank you sebab tahan ngan perangai aku yg cam setan.
.: olie, dilla, xack, syu, nana thank you so much..:.
for ge-em family, also thank you sooooo much sebab nak jadi kawan aku yg terbaek time intersesi..

x kisah lah korang sape pown, as long as kiter penah kawan sampai bebile pown korang tetap kawan aku..aku sayang korang sangat2..
terime kasih sebab nak kawan ngan aku n being a part of me now... thanks

ni ar ge-em family yg sengal..ape tu ge-em?? hahaha.."GELI MAT!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. tandanyer aku da bace post ko nihh..thanks kerna menghatgai kwn2 mu..yeahh..winddooo sama kamooo..huhuu..cdeyy n terharu sehh..
